Today I finally finished Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. When I first got the game I played it a lot and got to the final boss but couldn't beat it on my first try. So I left the game alone for a long time. I have so many games that I progress to the final boss but never finish. I think there is a part of me that doesn't want to finish games because then they are over. (I still have not beat the first Metroid Prime, though I am at the last boss).
I have enjoyed the Metroid Prime series. However, I think Corruption took the series to the next level with the incredible controls of the Wii remote. I really enjoy first-person shooters with the Wii remote - nunchuck combination. (I am really excited for the Conduit to improve on these excellent controls with expanded customizability).
For those who have yet to experience the Metroid Prime series Nintendo is re-releasing the first two Metroid Prime games games on the Wii with Wii controls. This should make the games even better than they were.