Sunday, February 15, 2009

Metorid Prime 3

Today I finally finished Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. When I first got the game I played it a lot and got to the final boss but couldn't beat it on my first try. So I left the game alone for a long time. I have so many games that I progress to the final boss but never finish. I think there is a part of me that doesn't want to finish games because then they are over. (I still have not beat the first Metroid Prime, though I am at the last boss).

I have enjoyed the Metroid Prime series. However, I think Corruption took the series to the next level with the incredible controls of the Wii remote. I really enjoy first-person shooters with the Wii remote - nunchuck combination. (I am really excited for the Conduit to improve on these excellent controls with expanded customizability).

For those who have yet to experience the Metroid Prime series Nintendo is re-releasing the first two Metroid Prime games games on the Wii with Wii controls. This should make the games even better than they were.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mario Kingdom Chronicles in Baroque

Shirt.Woot has brought another video game shirt to its site. This one features Mario and Yoshi in an epic battle against Bowser, all done in a Baroque style. It is currently sold out, but you will be able to pick it up tommorow for $15.00.

Pokemon News

Today is a big week for Pokemon. I moved one step closer to completing my Pokedex. I went to Toys 'R Us yesterday and downloaded Shaymin.

That leaves me just four Pokemon short of a complete Pokedex.

Nintendo also announced that a Giratina figuring will be given to those that pre-order Pokemon Platinum. This is way better than the stylus they gave for Pearl and Diamond.
Pokemon Platinum is being released on March 22nd.

The newest movie, Giratina and the Sky Warrior, will also be making its America debut on the Cartoon Network this weekend. It can be seen Friday the 13th and Sunday the 15th at 8:00 p.m. or Wednesday the 18th and 9:00 p.m. It will then be released on DVD on March 31st.
Luckily the movie isn't scheduled to air on Valentine's day. I'm sure my wife would have loved it if we had to watch that for Valentine's day.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Video Game Soundtracks

Many games have incredibly soundtracks. The music provides so much atmosphere and character to the game. A number of these songs get stuck in my head for days. I also love when my son is in his room and he hears me start a game. He instantly knows what game it is from the music. Unfortunately, most video game soundtracks are never released in a format that can be enjoyed whenever one wishes. Recently, I have noticed a number of publishers providing free dowloads of game soundtracks. I think this is a great idea. It gets gamers excited about the games and provides gamers a way to enjoy the music whenever they want. Check out the following sites to download some excellent video game soundtracks.

World of Goo

Big Bang Mini


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Boom Blox

One of the highlights on the Wii last year was Boom Blox. Boom Blox, which was the first game which partnered EA and Steven Spielberg, is in essence a reverse Jenga game. Many of the levels have you throwing balls at blocks in an attempt to knock them down in as few throws as possible. The following trailer shows the many different game play modes.

The game has a large single player mode which is comprised of both a story mode and also a challenge mode. The game also boasts a very entertaining multiplayer mode. This even kept my wife entertained for over four hours of play. The game also had a very in depth creat a level mode. Some people have made incredible levels that recreate classic Nintendo games.

I would recommend this game to anyone. It actually provides an entertaining family experience, unlike many of the other party games on the Wii. Recently the sequel, Boom Blox: Bash Party, was announced. If you haven't picked up Boom Blox yet consider it. Look for a price drop and grab it. Or at least pick up the sequel coming this Spring.
Buy this game or else the Grim Reaper will get you.