Monday, June 16, 2008

On Fire

One of my favorite things about video games is that I seem to get better at them even when I am not playing them. There have been numerous times when I get stuck on a certain level. No matter how much I practice I can never seem to overcome the problem. So I put it aside and move on to another game. I can come back months later, without practicing, and breeze through the place where I was previously stuck. For some reasons it just clicks in to place. Today I had one of these moments playing Mario Kart Wii. I have been unable to beat some of Adibobea9's records. As of yesterday there were seven that I had not yet beat. I was becoming frustrated and have been playing more Wii Fit and Pokemon in lieu of Mario Kart. Tonight I sat down and played Mario Kart and the records began to fall. Currently I only have one record left to beat: Grumble Volcano. I am down by eight second to Adibobia9. I am half tempted to win easily with the following cheat.

But I am determined to win fair and square.

1 comment:

Adibobea9 said...

I hope you realize that when I get back I am going to smash your records. If your theory is correct, by not playing I should be pretty darn good and easily beat all of the best times…