Saturday, November 8, 2008


On Saturday I purchased Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords. This game is the 100th video game that I own. Some interesting stats about my games.

41 Gamecube Games

33 Wii Games (including 25 retail releases, 3 WiiWare, and 5 Virtual Console Games)

23 DS Games

3 Gameboy Advance Games

Average IGN editors score: 8.3 (the highest at 9.8: Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4; the lowest at 4.0: My Pokemon Ranch)

First Released Game: Luigi's Mansion, November 18, 2001

57 Games were published by Nintendo

16 Games with Mario in the title (he is also a character in Smash Bros Brawl and Melee)

Number of Games I have beat: 20

It took me almost four years to buy 100 games. That is almost a game every other week. No wonder Tammie thinks I am addicted to video games.


Tammie said...

You are definitely addicted, but I still love you. Even when you go to Toys R US for Pokemon downloads like you are 13 years old. I love you for who you are and I wouldn't change one bit. I can only be mad at myself. I was the one who bought you the game cube in the first place. I started the addiction!

Adibobea9 said...

Thank Tammie so much for buying the Game Cube. It is nice to have a close friend that enjoys the same things I enjoy. I just wish I could keep up with you in the gaming market. My want list is so full and I, like you, have yet to complete the ones I already own…