Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One Year Anniversary

Today marks my one year mark of being a Wii owner. The only reason I own a Wii now is because of the biggest loser competition I did with Tammie's family. Everyone put in money to create a sizable pot of money for the winner. From day one my goal was to win so I could buy myself a Wii. That was the driving motivation behind everything that I did to lose weight. Between January 1, 2007 and May 5, 2007 I lost more than 41 pounds and was able to purchase a Wii. It was a very successful Wii weight loss program. Unfortunately a year after getting my Wii I have put back on some of the weight (though I am no where near where I was when I started to lose weight).
In a week I will be starting my second Wii weight loss program. This time my Wii weightloss program will be facilitated by Wii Fit. I will be participate fully in the Wii Fit program and regularly update my blog with my progress. Hopefully this Wii weight loss program will be as successful as my first, and longer lasting.

1 comment:

Adibobea9 said...

Let me know how it goes seeing as I will probably wait for a special markdown before purchasing it. However if we test it out at your house and convince Tiffiney we may have a shot at getting it earlier…