Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Game Night

One of my favorite things growing up was to have game nights with my friends. We would play video games late into the night. Some of my favorite video games are my favorites not because of how incredible the game was but rather because of the fond memories I have staying up and playing them with friends.

As I have moved away from friends these game nights have ceased (except for bachelor parties). However, with more video games going online (and with more of my friends buying Wiis) video game night is making a triumphant return. Most often we will be playing Mario Kart, other times it will be Smash Bros. Brawl. If you are up for a game let me or Adibobea9 know what evening works best and we will try to accomodate.

1 comment:

Adibobea9 said...

One such game that wasn't great but fun to play was WCW/NWO Revenge! One of my fondest memories was playing that with rules eliminated so you could only win by killing the other player. We played until like 3a.m. until we finally claimed defeat and realized it was impossible…